
49th World Gallery of Cartoons - Skopje 2017

The organizer of the competition is OSTEN Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
An international jury will appraise the short-listed works
The official announcement of the awards will take place on 25 May 2017 at OSTEN Gallery, Skopje, Macedonia.
Categories: Cartoon • Satiric drawing • Comic-Strip (up to one panel of non-linguistic strip)
Theme / Technique: Free
Format: А4 (21.9 x 29.7) or А3 (29.7 x 42.0)

The author can apply with several works, but STRICTLY with ORIGINALS (hand drawn works)
The application should be done with the Application Form that should be filled out (electronically or manually) 
and upon completion to be sent via post mail, accompanied by the works (author’s short bio and picture is preferable)
The submitted works shell become part of OSTEN collection. See the RULES for participation!

Short-listed works are exhibited at OSTEN Gallery from 25 May to 15 June 2017
Short-listed works are represented in the Catalog
Every cartoonist represented in the Catalog will receive a copy via post mail
The organizer will cover the accommodation to the awarded cartoonists who will announce their presence  up to 1 May 2017