Cartoon is the oldest of arts. In the initial attempts of men to express something in words, however unable to speak, made his fellow man pass the coal from the fire in the cave so he could draw the message on the wall and understand it. Hence, the cartoon was born. Those were the emerging endeavors of joke and laughter and among other things laughter is the distinguishing feature between Homo sapiens and animals. For that reason, cartoons played a key role in the intellectual development of our predecessors. It is not by accident that the first human drawings combine the graphic signs and story, which later on became the baseline for introducing literacy and alphabet, hence rendering anthropology the funniest science.
Cartoonists are the good knights; they punish injustice, reveal sins and self-inflict punishment, but never for too long. At the moment of announcement of their jovial verdict, they continue forward to fight the windmills, like Don Quixote. Today we are familiar with the complete misuse of words. However, we are given the opportunity to regain the natural feeling of humor, irony and sarcasm, through the most laconic of genres - the CARTOON.