OSTEN – art on paper – Skopje in collaboration with the foundation Apollonia – Gevgelija organize THE EXHIBITION OF PICASSO AND VASARELY.
The exhibition will be held in hotel Apollonia, Gevgelija and is the last event from the fine art within Gevgelija, building culture in 2011. The exhibition contains 17 works from Picasso and 17 works from Vasarely (drawings and graphics). The big world known artists Pablo Ruiz Picasso and Victor Vasarely are winners of the award for World Cultural heritage : PICASSO in the frames of the 38th World Gallery of drawing - Skopje 2010, and Vasarely in the frames of the 37 World Gallery of Drawings – Skopje 2009. His works are a part of the collection of the Museum of Drawing.
This is not the first collaboration of fine arts between OSTEN – art on paper and the Fondation Apollonia. The event GEVGELIJA – city of culture for 2011, was an excellent basis for mutual initiative such as The Program for staying of the artists GOLDEN OSTEN 2011, which took place in hotel Apollonia in September this year.
As finished event, on the 39th World Gallery of Drawings – Skopje 2011, Biennial of Awarded Artists, in hotel Apollonia, on the 22th of September 2011 were published the awarded artists and The Exhibition was held of the OSTEN ARTISTS of 2011.With this exhibition of PICASSO and VASARELY we mark the successful collaboration between OSTEN – art on paper and the Fondation Apollonia by which it has been confirmed that the model of concentration of the mutual head for organizing of the quality events from the area of the fine art is always a successful story.