

The entire comprehensive and planned art program took placeat the premises of companies/institutions of various profiles who participatedin the event. The content of the program reflected the European interculturalcharacter and the European cultural diversity as one of the basic traits ofunited Europe. The opening of the event correlatedwith the celebration of 9th May – Europe Day, commemorated by theopening of the exhibition “Awarded authors of the World Gallery of Drawing:Picasso, Vasarely, Ciuha and Velickovic” in the Gallery OSTEN.The event was proclaimed opened by the Ambassador of theEuropean Union in Macedonia,Mr. Peter Sorensen.During the event, the gallery OSTEN, which was under theterritorial framework of the project, hosted the projection of variety offeature, documentary and artistic films depicting the artwork and artists takingpart in the event. Similarly, an appropriate video material regarding theEuropean Union was also screened.   

The venue of the project was the MunicipalityCenter in Skopje, or more specifically the streetMaksim Gorki and the surroundings, where multitude of institutions, companiesand diplomatic offices are located. For some time now this street has been foreseen to becomethe street of art, so this event will contribute to a more acceleratedimplementation of that concept.

The event took place in the period between the 6thand 9th May 2011, as the motive for celebration of the 9thMay 2011 – Europe Day. The day when Robert Schuman presented his project forcreating organized Europe, vital for preserving peace relations, isconcurrently an opportunity for activities and events that conjoin peoples of Europe. 

Our experience shows that the exhibitions are visited by alimited number of people i.e the impression is that the majority of exhibitionsare attended by the same group of people. This fact indicates that the level ofcultural awareness of the wider audience in Macedonia is relatively low. Weconsider that to be a consequence of the present social condition in Macedonia andthe need exists for further stimulation of culture. The content and quality ofoffer of artistic program in itself is no longer sufficient to attract thewider audience. The emerging need is to popularize the cultural events througheducation and information about the artists and the value of the artworks aswell as establish an appropriate mechanism for inciting the wider audience tovisit cultural occurrences. The need of responding to peoples expectations isapparent as well as the importance to offer the citizens substance. Europe Day is an excellent opportunity for that.