Emil ALEKSIEV, N. MacedoniaCurator

Emil ALEKSIEV (b. 1959, Skopje) is a curator at the Museum of the City of Skopje. He finished primary school and high school in Skopje. Since 1982, parallel with his studies, he has been working at the Museum of the City of Skopje. In 1987, he graduated from the Institute of Art History with Archeology - Faculty of Philosophy, Skopje, where he got his title of Curator at the Department of Art History at the Museum of City of Skopje. In 1998 he received the title of Senior Curator. The postgraduate thesis entitled Dimitar Kondovski's Fine Poetry was defended in 1998 under the mentorship of prof. etc. Boris Petkovski at the Institute of Art History at the Faculty of Philosophy - Skopje. From 1998 to 2000 he headed the Department of Art History at the Museum of the City of Skopje. From 2000 to 2007 he was the Director of the Museum of Contemporary Art - Skopje. Since 2007 he has been working as a Curator at the Museum of the City of Skopje.

Aleksiev has published over a hundred essays, art critics and texts on the theory of visual arts. He is the author of several important studies in the field of art history and monographs on the artwork of Macedonian artists, such as the studies of the works of Dimitar Dicho Zograf (Gurga, Skopje 1997), Sergei Andreevski (IGS, Skopje 1998), Dimitar Kondovski (Sigmapress, Skopje 2001), Danco Kal'chev (IGS, Skopje, 2009) and Taki Pavlovski ( MGS, Skopje, 2011), as well as a monograph on the life and work of Dimitar Kondovski (MANU, Skopje 2004), the collection of essays "Short Cuts" (Djurdja, Skopje 2004) and "When Lion Eat the Sun" (Templum, Skopje 2016), "20th Century: Fine Arts in Macedonia - Macedonia, Millennium Cultural and Historical Fact" (Media Print Macedonia and Euro Balkan University, Skopje, 2013) and the Anthology of contemporary Macedonian art "Visual Arts in Macedonia - XX Century | Painting-Sculpture-Prints" (OSTEN, Skopje, 2015).

Kathrin BECKER, GermanyJury Member

Kathrin BECKER is a curator and author from Berlin.

She studied Art History and Slavic Studies at the Ruhr University Bochum and the State Leningrad University. Since 2001 she works as curator and managing director as well as director of the Video-Forum at Neuer Berliner Kunstverein (n.b.k.). Based on her experien-ces in the cultural exchange between the Soviet Union and its successor states and Germany.
in the 1990s, intercultural issues formed a focal point in the exhibition projects of Kathrin Becker already at the beginning of her curatorial work. She critically reflected the redefinition of the concept of culture after the Dissolution of the political blocs through national or regional, but above all particular cultural political interests. Becker's work culminated in transnational issues in the global context, focusing on the role of visual art in society and the complex of exclusion / inclusion in contemporary cultures.

From February 2020, Kathrin Becker is Artistic Director of the KINDL Center for Contemporary Art in Berlin - Neukölln.

Lars KÆRULF MØLLER, DenmarkJury Member

Lars Kærulf Møller (b. 1950) is Director at the Bornholm Art Museum (Bornholms Kunstmuseum).

He studied art history at University of Aarhus and architecture at Politecnico di Milano. 

Kærulf Møller has curated numerous national and international exhibitions in Denmark, Sweden, Poland, France and Italy. 

He is the author of books on musicology, graphics, painting and sculpture and has published in several languages. 

Kærulf Møller is former chairman of the board of Danish Art Museums, former chairman of the art historical advisory board of the National Cultural Agency and former chairman of Contemporary Opera Denmark. 

He is head of Board of Directors and founding director of Bornholms Biennals. 

As Director of Bornholm Art Museum since 1988, he has overseen the foundation (1993) and enlargement (2003)  of the museum and is presently engaged in establishing a new large extension of the museum.

He has received multiple grants and awards and is beknighted by the Queen of Denmark.

Zsolt PETRANYI, HungaryJury Member

Zsolt PETRÁNYI (b. 1966, Budapest) lives and works in Budapest.

After completing art historical studies, he became curator of contemporary arts in the Műcsarnok /Kunsthalle Budapest from 1996. 

His interest was the young, upcoming art of the nineties of Hungary.

Later he organized international projects when working as director of the Institute of Contemporary Arts in Dunaújváros, an industrial city near to Budapest. During this period, he was the curator of the controversial show of the group Little Warsaw in Venice Biennial Hungarian Pavilion. From 2005 he became the director of the Műcsarnok / Kunsthalle Budapest, where he focused on big scale international solo and group exhibitions as own productions of the institution. 

From 2011 till present he is the head of contemporary arts in the Hungarian National Gallery and teaches art management in the International Business School, Budapest.