Aleksiev has published over a hundred essays, art critics and texts on the theory of visual arts. He is the author of several important studies in the field of art history and monographs on the artwork of Macedonian artists, such as the studies of the works of Dimitar Dicho Zograf (Gurga, Skopje 1997), Sergei Andreevski (IGS, Skopje 1998), Dimitar Kondovski (Sigmapress, Skopje 2001), Danco Kal'chev (IGS, Skopje, 2009) and Taki Pavlovski ( MGS, Skopje, 2011), as well as a monograph on the life and work of Dimitar Kondovski (MANU, Skopje 2004), the collection of essays "Short Cuts" (Djurdja, Skopje 2004) and "When Lion Eat the Sun" (Templum, Skopje 2016), "20th Century: Fine Arts in Macedonia - Macedonia, Millennium Cultural and Historical Fact" (Media Print Macedonia and Euro Balkan University, Skopje, 2013) and the Anthology of contemporary Macedonian art "Visual Arts in Macedonia - XX Century | Painting-Sculpture-Prints" (OSTEN, Skopje, 2015).